than the last one you pulled look at the bit of black stubble, still held by the tiny jaws of the tweezers.. and it looks ugly, horribly distorted.. like a thorn plucked out of some muddy polluted pool... You look at its black wiriness and you wonder what infernal network of tiny knives is nestling under several layers of skin.. they are the ones who make us groan in desper- ation, When we get back those beautiful color pictures we took at our last get-together.. the makeup has been totally defeated by the penetrating eye of the camera Surrounded by all that glory of color sticking out like a sore thumb, we see that blue-grey stain emerging from our face like a tattoo of doom.. It's part of the permanent bruise left in our lives by the inner struggle between the masculine and the feminine. The tweezers see m to be the answer at least the best of several

counterattacks on that imbedded dirt.

Electrolysis is good, but not always. I is terribly expensive and time consuming. It implies lo- ads of free time for us to hibernate while the redness and the swelling subside.. it implies going without shav- ing for one or two days so that the operator will have something to get at with her instruments. Unfortunately the demands of everyday life make this "not shaving" decision almost impossible for the average person who goes to business or must meet the public. Moreover, ' there's the danger of scars or disfigurement. Some of my TV friends who have gone through electrolysis have suffered this fate. There are marks left on the skin which are not assets to looks. Very few of them have emerged unscarre d which means that the percentage seems to be against you.


So we come back to tweezing. If the beard is thick and strong and wiry, this is torture, sheer hell (depending on your ability to withstand pain). But once you get through the first tweezing session, it se- ems to be a bit weaker every time you do it and it hurts less and less. Needless to say, the trouble and agony are amply repaid by the results. Your skin shows the benefits, especially if you use a good facial cream at night. It is softer than it ever was, and what's most thrilling you now need so little make-up!'. But I must leave you for this time--I must go back to tweezing!
